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    HomeHealth & CBDHow Old Do You Have to Be to Buy CBD?

    How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy CBD?


    CBD is widely used to experience the “raw” therapeutic potentials of the cannabis plant without having to encounter the psychoactive effects. It has been suggested to be safe and well-tolerated, having little to no side effects on humans.

    From adults to kids, users of several age groups seek refuge from debilitating symptoms by using CBD. As CBD is making to the health regimens of people across the globe, legal age requirements to buy CBD tinctures and oils come up as one of the foremost concerns of CBD buyers. Getting well-acquainted with all the legal aspects is crucial to keep yourself from getting into the “grey area.”

    Let’s dig in to find out the legal aspects of getting your hands on CBD products.

    Legal Age To Buy CBD

    In the United States, the legal provisions for the handling of CBD and hemp products are set forth by the Farm Bill, which legislates all CBD laws. Note that there may be a deviation between federal and state CBD laws. Learning about the laws concerning CBD legislated by your state is critical to keep yourself legally covered.

    1. Federal Laws Vs. State Laws

    As far as federal laws are concerned, there is no age restriction to purchasing CBD products. You can freely buy and use CBD products according to the provisions of the Farm Bill in the USA. State laws prevail over federal laws, so it’s important to learn about the former ones.

    1. Hemp-derived CBD Or Marijuana-derived CBD

    All CBD products aren’t the same. Remember that many CBD products are sourced from the marijuana plant that features a high abundance of THC, which is generally not legal if it exceeds 0.3% of the product. If you pick marijuana-derived CBD products, they’re subject to legal restrictions. However, hemp-derived CBD products do not exceed 0.3% THC, making them legally safe for you. Ensure getting your hands on products with CBD sourced from the hemp plant. Read the certificate of analysis of the product to ascertain safe THC levels.

    Do You Have To Be 21 To Buy CBD Products?

    State laws regarding the legal age to buy CBD vary widely across the USA. Several states do not pose any age restrictions to the purchase of CBD products as long as they are derived from the hemp plant.

    However, the state’s laws in certain states pose restrictions to the legal age to buy CBD. Illinois, Alaska, Maine, and a few other states have framed laws that require CBD buyers to be at least 18.

    Can You Buy CBD At 18?

    Some states in the USA require you to be at least 21 years old to be able to buy CBD products and use them freely. These states include California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, and some other states. The legislative authorities are extending their efforts to minimize these restrictions.

    Final Thoughts

    Abiding by the legal provisions is crucial to avoiding contraventions of state law. It’s always a great idea to invest some time learning about the state laws before you get your hands on your favorite CBD gummies, oils, tinctures, etc.

    Michael Levin

    Michael Levin is a CBD enthusiast, a researcher, writer and editor in the cannabis space, experienced CBD user and educator. He believes CBD can help improve our overall health and wellbeing.

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