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    HomeHealthSix Tips on Keeping Your Newborn Healthy

    Six Tips on Keeping Your Newborn Healthy


    Remember how careful you were when you were pregnant? You watched what you ate and how you moved and ensured you were getting enough rest. You even heard an occasional, “Don’t lift this, don’t carry that, wear flats, take it easy, and watch your steps.” To say all this was stressful is an understatement, but you ultimately did everything to ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy.

    Now that those beautifully chaotic nine months are over and you have your newborn in your arms, you’re likely feeling a mix of emotions and have plenty of questions about how to best care for your baby.

    “What should I do if my newborn won’t stop crying?” “When to change the diaper?” “How to soothe a gassy baby?”

    These questions or even other worries on your mind are normal. After all, the first few years are critical to your baby’s growth and development, so you want to ensure you’re doing everything right.

    Here are six essential tips to help keep your newborn healthy:

    1. Monitor Your Baby for Potential Birth Injuries

    No matter a doctor’s qualifications or experience, birth injuries can still occur due to medical negligence. One of the most common injuries is erb’s palsy, which arms and shoulders due to nerves in the neck being stretched or torn. sometimes, infants can recover from this injury with proper the physical therapy, but in the more severe cases, it can lead to partial or complete paralysis.

    So, if you notice your baby having difficulty moving their arms or signs of weakness or loss of feeling on one side of the body, consult a doctor immediately. You may also want to seek legal help to hold the negligent party accountable and receive erb’s palsy lawsuit settlements to cover your child’s medical costs and future therapy needs.

    2. Maintain Proper Hygiene

    Since a newborn’s immune system is weak and more vulnerable to infections,allergies,seasonal colds and flu, practicing good hygiene must be a priority.

    So,wash your hands with soap and water before the handling your baby,especially after a using the restroom and changing diapers.Also,keep their sleeping environment clean,dirt, and other allergens,and if possible, use separate bedding for your baby. Properly cleaning, sanitizing, and storing your baby’s feeding items is also essential.

    When washing your baby’s clothes, use warm water and a gentle detergent free from harsh chemicals. Avoid washing your family’s clothes with those of the baby, and dry them thoroughly before putting them away.

    3. Nurse Your Baby

    Breast milk provides all the nutrients and antibodies that a baby baby for at least 10 to 15 minutes per breast every two to three hours. reduces the risk of allergies,boosts the immune system.

    Besides it nutritional benefits,breastfeeding helps establish a strong bond between mother,child and enhances communication through eye contact and other body language signs.Feeding schedule to ensure your baby receives enough nutrition throughout the day.

    If,for any reason,you choose to feed your baby formula milk or complementary food, make sure to consult a pediatrician first.They can provide you with accurate instructions on the amount and frequency of feeding, depending on the ages and size of your baby.

    4. Avoid Overstimulation

    Since newborns are still getting used to their new environment, overstimulation can easily make them overwhelmed. They may start crying and become cranky and fussy. So, it’s best to keep the atmosphere calm and peaceful for your baby.

    Keep their rooms quiet and dim-lit. Limit their exposure to loud sounds, such as barking dogs or car horns, which may startle them easily.

    Avoid overdosing your baby with new activities, toys, and other items. If you have to introduce something, allow them to familiarize themselves with it gradually.
    Besides, newborns can also easily get disturbed by different smells. So, keep their surroundings fragrance-free and well-ventilated.

    5. Develop Good Sleep Habits

    Newborns have erratic and unpredictable sleep patterns.One night,they may sleep for a few hours the straight, while on other nights, they may wake up every hour.

    But as parents, it’s essential to be consistent with your baby’s sleep schedule and try to help them develop healthy sleeping habits.

    Start by learning your baby’s sleep behaviors and patterns and patterns and establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Give your baby cues that it’s time to rest by reading stories, singing a lullaby, or offering them a warm bath.

    However, try not to rush in immediately if your baby wakes up and cries in the middle of the night. Sometimes, they need a few minutes to settle down before they doze off. If they don’t calm down, you can step in and offer them comfort or feed them if they are hungry.

    6. Trim Their Nails

    Infants tend to scratch themselves with their nails when they are cranky or fussy. Even a slight scratch can cause infection and discomfort.

    So, despite those nails looking adorable, it’s essential to trim them regularly. It’s best to do it after your baby has bathed, as the nails are soft and easier to cut. You can also purchase special nail clippers designed for newborns.

    If your baby gets fussy while trimming their nails, try distracting them with a toy or singing a soothing song. You can also file their nails with an emery board or a baby-safe nail file to smoothen rough edges.

    If you accidentally cut their skin and press a clean cloth onto the affected area,apply gentle pressure to stop the bleeding.Once the bleeding stops,clean the area with mild soap and water and apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.


    Whether it’s your firstborn or your fourth, taking care of a newborn gives the most fulfilling feeling in the world. But it’s also completely normal to feel anxious, confused, and exhausted in the first few weeks after bringing your baby home.

    The key is to educate yourself and understand your baby’s needs to provide them with the best care possible. You can do so by monitoring their health and developmental milestones, maintaining good hygiene, and engaging with them through touch and play. Creating a safe and comforting sleeping environment and trimming their nails are also essential.

    When it comes to their nutritional needs,breastfeeding is best for your little one.If you choose to formula feed,consult your doctor for the advice on the best type of formula and how to prepare it.

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